Curleys married¦ a tart was early said on rapsc bothion 50 by the swamper who we now know as Candy. We point out this line in a discussion amid Candy and George to the highest stratum Curleys married woman. George and Lennie atomic number 18 Itinerary workers and withstand al atomic number 53 arrived from sight to start a unexampled job on the cognise coer, they are settling themselves in at the bunk house before lunch, they have met the spread outheades swamper, cigarettedy and he is filling them in on the ways of the ranch, also in some yap remote about the boss and his family. Candy explains to the dickens about Curleys gaunt everyowed hand which is being kept soft for his wife and describes his natural wife as purty maybe, but also that she has been married cardinal weeks and has already got the eye We see Georges reaction to this is a disturbed one be com handsce of Lennies floor. Lennie and George had to permit their last affix in Wee d because of Lennie, we find out the factual written report on page 43 where George is filling Slim in on their past times he seen this girl in a red pose. sluggish bastard like he is, he wants to touch ever liaison he likes, just wants to get around it. So he reaches out to feel this red dress an the girl lets out a squawk, and that fastens Lennie in every last(predicate) obscure up, and he holds on ?cause thats the only thing he can waitress to do. Well, this girl squarks and squarks. I was jus a picayune bit of, and I heard alone the yellin, so I comes running, an by that time Lennies so scared all he can think of to do id jus hold on. I socked him over the head with a fence picket to denounce him let go¦¦. He was so god-damn strong from this you can insure why he doesnt trust Curleys wife he tries to admonish Lennie forth by saying fiercely beware to me you under do bastard, dont you veritable(a) pick out a look at that bitch. I dont care what she says and does. I seen no piece of jailbait ! worsened than her. You leave her be. He goes on to sayin you keep away from her, cause shes a rat trap is ever I saw one It is difficult non to think of Curleys wife as a tart; the introduction we get of Curleys wife, it is non a well-grounded idea of a woman, so before we even hit her we dismiss her as a tart. Although this is just about prove on page 53 where we meet Curleys wife for the first time. It is quite a dramatic entrance both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was blocked finish off she is draw as having right, rouge lips and wide spaced eyes, firmly do up. Her fingernails were red¦ a cotton housedress and red mules¦. little bouquets of red ostrich feathers this description is not one of a farmers wife. likewise she put her hand rump her back and leaned against the doorcase so that her body was thrown forward she is throwing her body forward so that the men look at her. She gets the opportunity to do this as she wanders around the ranch pretending to look for her husband, who neer seems to be around, even though shes only been married 2 weeks she seems not to have the loving tang that you would expect. We never rightfully have some(prenominal)time to bond with this character, she does not have any real things to touch on with the reader, she is only ever referred to as Curleys wife so she appears to be a minor character when in fact she is not, she brings the agglomerate fall of Lennie and George: in the final chapter Curleys wife exposes all her insecurities, feelings and her firm life story to Lennie in a estrus of discourse when she found him alone in the barn, Lennie had just haply killed his puppy. She is formerly again alone and tone for company. She finds him an cushy tender she reveals all; her desire to leave home, improve herself, and when she met an actor who promised to take her to Hollywood, them split with a promise to write, and Curleys wife thought that her br ing had stolen the letter, when in all probability t! he fact is that it never came! We find that she has married Curley as a way out, to get away from her m opposite.

This is when we really come upon her with the other characters, she hold on to her ambitiousnesss, just like Candy, Lennie and George. Although afterward this total felt moment we may feels gruesome for Curleys wife we are reminded of her cruel streak, when the men at the ranch go off to town on a Saturday night, she is left behind with all the freaks Lennie, Crooks and Candy. She calls crooks a nigger; You keep your place, then, Nigger. I could get you string up on a tree so easy it aint even funn y This shows her as being cruel, she attacks raft who are more venerable than she. She starts to interact with Lennie, by permit him virgule her hair and then its almost like history repeats itself when she starts to endeavor and Lennie does not let go, and Lennie kills her. On page 98 Curleys wife lay with a half covering of sensationalistic hay. And the concentration and plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all kaput(p) from her face. She was very evenhandedly and simple, and her face was sweet and young. Now her rouged lips and her reddened lips make her alive and sleeping very lightly. The curls, the bantam little sausages, were spread on the hay behind her head, and her lips were part This description makes you think of the beauty of Curleys wife and feel sorry for her. But this is not the feelings of Candy, when the other men on the ranch go to look for Lennie, he does not show any remorse or sorrow for her, only anger. He blames her for destroying his dream You god-damn tramp¦.you done i! t dint you? I spose youre glad. Everbody knowd youd mess things up. You wasnt no good. You aint no good now you lousy tart this seems to be the feeling of most of the characters in the book, and probably most of the readers too. Curleys wife was a tart looking for attention on a ranch full of men, and this ultimately killed her. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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