Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Importance Of Being Proficiency On State Mandated Test...
Signature Assignment Apply What You Have Learned All failing schools need guidance on what it will take to improve student outcomes. However, some schools today have been considered as failing schools and is in a greater need than other k-12 schools. The purpose of this assignment is to apply what I have learned throughout the course and present additional information on failing schools. By the end of this assignment, students will understand the importance of being proficiency on state mandated test and graduating on time. Overview Can failing schools be turnaround? Turning around low performing schools requires a lot of work under the No Child Left Behind law. According to that law, educators are required to educate students toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By having effective principals can help improve learning in the classroom by having motivated teachers that will work above and beyond the call of duty. This will allow the students to successfully passed their Some strategies for implementing plans to turnaround failing schools includes, previous school data such as test scores, graduation rate, advanced placement and dual enrollment courses, additional time for teaching and collaboration and allowing one to one technology, strong instructional programs, strong leaders and effective teachers, and community support. When turning around a failing school within a few years itââ¬â¢s a major deal. Meaning it starts from the top by replacing the staff and turning the school over to a charter organization and changing the school culture of the school. However, the cons of turning round filing schools are that some schools are faced with when turning around a failing school has its lows in public schools. These schools have high poverty rates, low income and in-effective teachers and not enough community support and or money in the budget. According to (Murphy, 2010) not all failing schools are worth saving. He believe when a school is near closure sometimes fighting to restore what shouldnââ¬â¢t be saved is a wise policy nor interests of the students. Murphy, believes since the school has failed the students and their families by not educating their kids then why should it be saved. When trying to turnaround a failing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Principles Of Debt Alleviation, Fair Trade Policies,...
In terms of world impact, no ideology has irreparably shaped the course of history like neoliberalism. Its core tenets of free markets would inform the policies imposed on developing nations. The assumption among particularly Western nations would be that developing nations would need to advance to become modern capitalistic societies just like them. However, the efforts to reach that ideal would lead to more harm than good. Neoliberalism has resulted in heavy debt for developing nations, unequitable free trade, and strong economic inequality in the global South. In light of these problems, one can utilize the solutions of debt alleviation, fair trade policies, and Keynesian policies to address these issues in a substantial way to mitigateâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This would not be an issue if all nations were to start on the same playing field. However, it is some of the same developed nations that benefited from the oppression of indigenous people and races that are imposing t his ideal of development on developing nations. As such, these global institutions reinforce this narrative of the value of society being in its economic output and growth. In that respect, some developing nations in pursuit of those goals borrowed extensive money from the IMF that eventually resulted in heavy debt due to these countries not having sufficient resources to develop their economy. What makes it worse is that developing nations would then have to prioritize paying back their loans and not necessarily in developing their industries in the first place. In the seventies, neoliberalism rose to prominence in the global stage especially in America. Beforehand, Keynesian policies were the norm due to their success in taking the nation out of the Great Depression with Social Security and the likes. However, the negative impacts of an oil crisis brought upon by OPEC and corresponding stagflation due to deficit spending would dull the allure of Keynesianism (Lecture 6). As a resu lt, free-market economists like Milton Freidman would advocate for laisses-faire economic policies of economicShow MoreRelatedPhilippines Anti-Poverty Program Through Peoples Participation9113 Words à |à 37 Pagesalso provided significant assistance by way of providing technical and financial support and advocacies through its development programs in poverty alleviation. The Philippine Government through the National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) continued to improve its anti-poverty strategy based on the broad vision set out in the NAAA and subsequent policy statements on poverty reduction and social reform. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Saint John Of The Cross (1866 words) Essay Example For Students
Saint John Of The Cross (1866 words) Essay Saint John Of The CrossSaint John of the Cross I abandoned and forgot myself, laying my face onmy Beloved; all things ceased; I went out from myself, leaving my caresforgotten among the lilies. John of the Cross is one of the acknowledgedmasters of mystical theology. It is thought among present day theologians thatthere is no other writer who has had a greater influence on Catholicspirituality than John of the Cross. He is a canonized saint of the CatholicChurch and was made a Doctor of the Church because of his extreme influence onpresent day doctrine. His dedication as a leader in service is surpassed only byhis deep faith in the workings of the Trinity through Jesus on earth as a modeland the Holy Spirit as our guide to a life of spirituality. John of the Crosswas born Juan de Yepes in 1542 to a poor family of Spanish nobility. When Johnwas a boy, he attended a school for poor children, gaining a basic education,and the opportunity to learn skills from local craftsmen. When he wa s 17, Johnbegan to work at the Plague Hospital de la Concepcion, and its founder offeredto let him attend the Jesuit College, so long as he did not neglect his hospitalduties. From 1559 to 1563, John studied with the Jesuits, learning Latin, Greek,and other subjects. He was offered the chance to study for the secularpriesthood, which would have given him material security, but he felt God wascalling him to Religious life. At age 20, he entered the Carmelite Order, beingclothed with the habit on February 24, 1563, and taking the name Juan de SantoMatia (John of Saint Matthias). He was ordained in 1567, and said his first Massin Medina del Campo. During that trip, he first met Teresa of Avila, and sheencouraged him to promote her reform among the mens Order. John spent much ofhis time working for the reformation of the Carmelite Order and in the overallservice of others. However, there were said problems with his ideas of reformfrom certain members of his Order. On the night of Decemb er 2, 1577, a group ofCarmelites, lay people, and men-at-arms broke into Johns quarters, seizedhim, and took him away. The men led John away, handcuffed, and blindfolded, to amonastery in Toledo. John stood accused of being rebellious and as an overallthreat to the Order. John would have to submit to the demands of the Order, orundergo severe punishment. Nonetheless, John refused to renounce the reform inwhich he so truly had faith. John was locked up in the monastery prison becauseof his strong convictions toward reform. He was placed in a windowless dark roomof six by ten feet, with little light, and with little air. This hole of a cellwas exposed to the terribly cold winter months and the suffocating heat of thesummer months. This, aside for the beatings, the filth, the forced fasting, andthe lice, made it an unfavorable situation for anyone. However, John did not seethe situation as the rest of humanity would see it. John found the situation tobe a blessing because he was able t o remove all of his earthly needs anddesires, and find the true place where God was hidden. God brought John hisgreatest joys in those times of pain and suffering. In a sense, the oppressorswhom imprisoned John, gave him what he truly wanted. God. In time, John was ableto escape the prison cell in which he was held by physically unscrewing thebolts on his door. Thought to be achieved miraculously by some, John was able tocreep past the guards, climb down the wall, and regain his freedom. From thetime of his escape until the time of his death, John devoted his life to thesharing and explaining of his experience of the Lords grace and love. Saint John of the Cross, in the darkness of your worst moments, when youwere alone and persecuted, you found God. Help me to have faith that God isthere especially in the times when God seems absent and far away. Amen.After his time in the monastery prison and his eventual escape, John was able toagain take up his mission of reform far away from the conflicts and threats thatimpeded him prior. He never cared to go over the past and talk about hisimprisonment. He bore no animosity toward his oppressors; nor did he complain orboast about the suffering that he had endured. Because of his experience, Johnwas now more than ever before, able to appreciate the natural world around him. John was now able to listen to all of nature through his senses; the flowers,the whistling breezes, the night, the dawn; all were manifestations of the Lord. This seemed to be one of Johns only vices, if it could fairly be called that. John could not easily resist the enchantment of nature. John was ver much human. The rushing streams, the flowers in the field, the vast mountains, and all ofnature spoke to him. God was present everywhere. Come and see these littlecreatures of God. How well they worship the Almighty! John found itimpossible to ignore any person of the world who was in personal distress. However, John did not limit himself to only assisting others who were seekingspiritual enlightenment, but he looked for ways to help those with materialneeds as well. John was a selfless man who lived for the service of others. There were countless examples and stories of how John would go to great lengthsto help out his fellow man in the least. Further, this lifestyle of service didnot end at the material needs of others, but transmitted in the physical needsof the sick. Taking pains to show the most delicate sympathy for the sick, heknew how to care for them, comfort them, and give them hope. He would not allowthe question of money to interfere with his desire to give his sick friars thebest possible care. He was a true leader in service. It was out of thispoverty and suffering, that John learned to search for beauty and happiness notin the world, but in God. But Johns deepest concern was for thosepersons who were suffering in their spiritual life. In his oral teachings, Johnused to point out that the more you love God, the more you grow spiritually. Further, the growth that he desired was to include all people and help themachieve that spiritual understanding. In his spiritual direction of others, Johnfocused on the communion with God in faith, hope, and love. Ultimately, the wayto truly receive that spiritual life was to follow those teachings of faith,hope, and love as Christ did. Pain for John was not a misfortune but a valuewhen suffered with and for Christ. John recognized that we could not understandthe truth of Christ without the Holy Spirit, the basis of our personalspirituality. He wanted everyone to find comfort in the thought that howeversevere it may be, purification is still the work of Gods gentle hand, clearingaway the debris of attachment and making room for the divine light. Hardphysical labor in the service of others attracted him because he knew howimportant it was for him to achieve that true spiritual awareness. John did whatneeded to be done. What more do you want, o soul! And what else do yousearch for out side, when within yourself you possess your riches, delights,satisfaction and Kingdom your Beloved whom you desire and seek? Desire Himthere, adore Him there; Do not go in pursuit of Him outside yourself. You willonly become distracted and you wont find Him, or enjoy Him more than by seekingHim within you. One of the main sources that gave John of the Cross hisgreat inspiration was the Bible. The Bible, which he cherished most of allworldly objects, helped him understand the mystery of the three Persons of theTrinity. This further understanding of the Trinity allowed John to help himselfand encourage others to achieve such a level of enlightenment. As stated prior,John spent his entire life in the service of others and sought to spread thatcherished understanding in which he received through his personal pains andsuffering. This spiritual journey was and is for every person. For John, theBible served as a living and unfailing wellspring. Its waters pervade the entirebeing of this m ystical thinker, poet, and writer. The Bible was his hymnal, hismeditation book, a book for travel, for contemplation, and for writing. The use of modalizers in a film review: The Passio EssayScriptural quotations throughout his works show how deeply he had assimilatedthe Divine Word, but he never keeps to a single exegetical style; and the readermight find this disconcerting. For John, he was able to visualize ways in whichthe biblical texts could assist him in his ministry of spiritual direction. TheBible offered John a viable expression of his own personal spiritual experience. The Bible was a confirmation of his theological reform and ministry. Further,John was able to enjoy and follow the practice of using scriptural passages as aguide through the journey of life. John discovered a close alliance betweenbiblical history and his own personal history, and was able to use thatconnection of past experiences with his own personal experiences. John of theCross was a very influential individual in the Catholic Church who furtherextended the lifestyle of service in which Christ instilled. Although mostpeople would gather that John might have been angered or disillusioned by hisimprisonment, persecution, and suffering throughout his life, rather Johnsreaction was quite the opposite. These painful events in his life transformedhim into a man of charity who held a deep compassion for those who suffered. John saw a clear vision of the beauty of Gods creation and its intimacy withthe Blessed Trinity. Through suffering like Christ suffered, John was able toachieve that spiritual enlightenment. John fell ill at the end of his life in avery small village on a service trip to Mexico. John died as he had prayed forthroughout his ministry of service: without honors, without material comfort,and with great suffering. These pains and great suffering were voluntarily takenup to exemplify the suffering of Christ. His persecutions throughout his lifewere voluntarily taken up taken up to exemplify the suffering of Christ. Thiswas his faith, and this was how he lived and died. Whoever wishes to comeafter me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. John of theCross was 49 when he died. He was beatified in 1675, canonized as a saint in1726, and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1926. His life was a never-endingpursuit of that ministry of service and compassion that Christ instilled prio r. John of the Cross was and still is a man to be patterned after because of hisspiritually enlightened understanding of the life and actions of Christ. He wastruly a Man for Others. BibliographyPayne, Steven. John of the Cross and the Cognitive Value of Mysticism. KluwerAcademic Publishers. Volume 37, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 1990. Swietlicki,Catherine. Spanish Christian Cabala. University of Missouri Press. Columbia,Missouri, The United States 1986. Three Mystics. Father Bruno de J.M., ed. Sheedand Ward Ltd. London, England 1952. Wilhelmsen, Elizabeth. Knowledge andSymbolization in Saint John of the Cross. Verlag Peter Lang GmbH. Volume 41,Frankfurt, Germany 1993. Wojotyla, Karol. Faith According to Saint John of theCross. Saint Ignatius Press. San Francisco, California, The United States 1981. The Bible
Sunday, December 1, 2019
School Of Assassins Essays - Human Rights Abuses,
School Of Assassins Due to the incredible amounts of human rights violations committed by graduates of the School of the Americas as a direct effect of their training funded by U.S. tax dollars, the School of the Americas must be closed down. The school is a cold war dinosaur that needs to be brought to the attention of the American taxpaying public. The people of our nation need to be aware that every time they get a paycheck, they are contributing to the oppression and killing of the indigenous peoples of Latin America by their own leaders. The School of Americas was formed in 1946 in Panama. It was originally formed so that the United States would have ties in Central America to keep Castro under control in Cuba. In 1984, the school moved to Fort Benning, Georgia. The students at the school are taught counterinsurgency tactics such as combat skills, sniper fire, military intelligence, commando tactics, and psychological operations. Recent revelations have shown that the school also actively teaches torture tactics. In September of 1996, the Pentagon, under intense social pressure, released SOA training manuals that were previously unavailable to the public. A group called the Latin America Working Group issued a translated copy of the manuals. The manuals recommended interrogation techniques like torture, execution, blackmail, and arresting the relatives of parties involved. They suggested the use of truth serums on prisoners to get them to answer questions. The manuals recommend the infiltration of work unions, political parties, youth groups, religious groups, and all other organizations subversive to the national government (Fact Sheet). The governments of these nations recognize anyone who promotes social change and betterment as a terrorist threat. "One manual describes 60's activist Tom Hayden, currently a California State Senator, as ?one of the masters of terrorist planning.' It is precisely this identification of activist for social change as terrorists that led death squads to kill thousands of religious leaders, students, union members and human rights activists" (Haugaard 15) These manuals and recommendations hardly seem to be in line with the democratic seed that the U.S. government is supposedly trying to sow in Latin America. In the 70's when Nixon spyed on and infiltrated an opposing political party, he came up under impeachment chrges. This was a very serious ordeal, but the United States is promoting this behavior in other countries (Latin America Working Group). Our country that we believe is the noble protecter of the world is involved in some of the greatest massacres in the history of Latin America. The soldiers are trained to fight insurgents, but what insurgents are left in the poverty-stricken culture of Latin America? The only insurgents now are the religious leaders and the poor people who want to take a stand for what should be theirs. The rich and powerful in Latin American nations want to keep their wealth and status. They don't want to give the poor citizens of their nation anything. When the poor rise up to try and alter the position they're in, the military rulers are ready to squash their efforts by any means necessary. There have been many cases in the last twenty years of massacres and assassinations of religious leaders whose only threat was that of the empowerment of the poor. The military accused the leaders as heads of guerilla movements and executed them. A prime example of a religious leader who fought for the betterment of his people was Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador. He spoke out against the violence against and oppression of the poor. He had and seen enough and was taking a stand. He made a plea over a radio station which broadcast throughout Latin America asking the governments to stop the killing and oppression. The very next day, while performing mass, he was assassinated by a graduate of the SOA ("School of Assassins." 2) Another example of martyrs slain by graduates of the SOA were three nuns and a layworker who were abducted, raped, and murdered in El Salvador on December 2, 1980. They were Ita Ford, Dorothy Kazel, Maura Clarke, and Jean Donovan. They were in El Salvador to work with the poor. These were four women. They were not a threat to the government except that they were attempting to elevate the poor. Recently the four soldiers who were imprisoned for the murders indicated that they were following orders from above. This means that the actual perpetrators were the upper echelon commanders that ordered the attack. It has come to the light that General Jose Guillermo Garcia
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Autobiography of William Penn essays
Autobiography of William Penn essays William Penn is one of the most famous and well-known figures of our history to this day. Through his many travels and his dedication, William Penn became for the future generations of Americans both a spokesman and a model for an ideal American. His autobiography, The Autobiography of William Penn, follows his life from a child to the time he died in 1718. It seems as though William Penn wrote what his life was really like in his autobiography. He did not seem boastful and make it seem like luxury. On the other hand, he did not tell all negative stories to make his life seem miserable either. He was not biased and he told it how it was. There were many ups and downs in his life and he had to work hard to become the person that he is perceived as being today. For example, his father, who was a sea captain, went away at sea after his sons baptism which was soon after his birth. This meant that he did not have much support from his family for most of his lifetime. He also was very poor after he returned to England and was fined for the new colony. This led to many challenges such as not being able to support his family and being unable to watch over his new settlement in America. He did not have an easy life as some may think. The autobiography actually answered many questions I had about William Penn. I was surprised to find out that his beliefs in Quakers were so strong that he went against his father who told him that was not what he should believe. I was also one of the people that thought that William Penn always lived a life of luxury. But the book proved me wrong in that he had to work hard to become the William Penn we all know today. I also found out that he had many problems in his life like most people. He actually is not different from most people. He had many ups and downs in his life like the rest of us. William Penn was born in London on October 14, 1644 during the civil wars in England. His father, Sir Willi...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Emphatic Expressions - Strong Collocations
Emphatic Expressions - Strong Collocations Adverb intensifiers can be used to emphasize verbs. These emphatic expressions are used in formal English in written documents and when speaking at formal occasions such as business meetings and giving presentations. Here is a list of some of the most common of these intensifiers. Intensifiers categorically - in every manner, without reservedeeply - strongly, with much feelingenthusiastically - with great joyfreely - without hesitationfully - completely, without any doubthonestly - truly believingpositively - without any doubtreadily - without hesitationsincerely - with best wishesstrongly - with convictiontotally - without any doubtutterly - without any doubt Using Intensifiers in Sentences Here are example sentences of each intensifier which can be noted in italics. I categorically dont want to spend any time doing that homework.She deeply feels the need to treat others with respect.The children played soccer enthusiastically.You can find local newspapers freely available all over town.Alice does her work quickly and honestly.Youll find that many people readily accept low pay due to current levels of unemployment.à I can sincerely recommend John for the job.à She strongly presents her point of view.à Hes totally sure hes ready to take the test.Drake thinks its utterly useless to spend any more time on the project.à Using Intensifiersà Generally speaking, be very careful with your use of intensifiers. These are strong words, and they make a strong impression. When used carefully, these adverbs can really underline something you feel strongly about. However, if used too often, the intensifiers can begin to sound rather aggressive. Its best to use these words with great care, and only when you really want to make a point.à Words Used with Intensifiers These are generally used with specific verbs to create emphatic expressions. These intensifier verb combinations are strong collocations. Collocations are words that are always or often used together. Here is a list of the intensifier verb combinations which make up the emphatic expressions: Intensifier Verb Collocations Emphatic Expression categorically deny - In no way did I do something.deeply regret - I am strongly sorry for my actions.enthusiastically endorse - I happily, and with my whole heart believe in something.freely appreciate - I certainly understand something.fully recognize - I am aware of some situation.honestly believe - I think something is true without any doubt.positively encourage - I hope that you do something very strongly.readily endorse - I believe in something someone else does without hesitation.sincerely hope - I honestly want something for someone else.strongly recommend - I really think you should do something.totally reject - I refuse to believe or do in any case.utterly refuse - I completely do not want to do or believe. Here are example sentences for each of these emphatic expressions: We categorically deny any involvement in the scandal.I deeply regret the loss of your loved one.I enthusiastically endorse the local cancer society.We freely appreciate the current difficulties in this market.I fully recognize your need to improve your career.I honestly believe he is telling the truth.Wed like to positively encourage you to buy this stock.Our company readily endorses his run for office.I sincerely hope you are able to find employment soon.Id like to strongly recommend you visit an employment specialist.They totally reject any compromise in these negotiations.Im afraid I utterly refuse to believe anything he says. Heres a short quiz. Choose the correct intensifier for each gap. He ______ appreciates your interest in the company.Jennifer _________ hopes you telephone her soon.The boss _________ rejects any changes to worker contracts.The thief _________ denied any wrongdoing in the crime.Many people __________ believe Ronald Reagan was a great president.Doug _____________ recommends having steak at that restaurant.Unfortunately, the CEO ____________ refused to make any compromises.Many young people ______________ endorse the new president.If you want to succeed, youll have to ___________ recognize the need to study long hours.She ______________ regrets any problems she may have caused.à Answers freely appreciatessincerely hopestotally rejectscategorically deniedhonestly believehighly recommendsutterly refusedenthusiastically endorseà fully recognizedeeply regrets
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Globalization In Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Globalization In Education - Essay Example United States of America enjoys a very high rate of literacy. This is supported by effective education system and the global nature of incumbent. This makes it easy for the locals as well as the foreigners who turn to States for educational purpose. Overall the beneficiary of this situation is the educational sector and the economy of the nation. The overall global nature of the world is contributing to the globalization of education in its own right. Since the fast paced world has made it easy for students and communities to travel between places, as a result education sector has benefited from it equally. In present day, the American schools and colleges depict a scene that was not common before. Multi ethnic background holders are part of every class and education is imparted to them without any subjugation and discrimination. The traces of educational sector globalization and efforts made towards its promotion and implementation in the American educational system can be traced to the early days of 19th century. The overall attempt was inspired by European efforts. The global nature of education system in United States has made the overall curriculum more dynamic and challenging for the students at the same time. However this challenge makes it more vibrant and compatible for the challenges of 21st century. Globalization of education also puts more emphasis on seeking of education and enrolling the children into the schools and colleges. American education systemââ¬â¢s long run secret can possibly be attributed to the policies adopted and the globalization inducted in the system. As a result of globalized nature of education, new technology is an integral part of the overall education system. Classes are equipped with devices and machinery that were never imagined. This has made the process of learning more interesting. As a result the students have become more responsive at the same time. As a consequence the scope of available
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Obama Administration - Israelis and the Palestinians Recently, the Essay
Obama Administration - Israelis and the Palestinians Recently, the Obama Administration has attempted to restart the peace proce - Essay Example Conversely, Palestinians assert that this is impossible. They argue that the only way to attain statehood is through violent attacks rather than non violent negotiations. Israelis are more likely to rate the Obama administration positively by stating that its policies are fair (PEW Research). The Palestinians on the other hand rate the administration negatively as they claim that it favours Israel. This among others is the major issue facing the peace process in the region as a whole. The first issue that involved in the process is concerning territory, settlement and borders. This has remained highly contentious on the Palestinian side. Israel is called upon to state the extent of its territory that is in Gaza, West Bank and the Dead Sea waters (Muasher and Djerejian). Following this transfer territory locations identified by both sides should be established. Finally, proposals should be drawn on both sides to ensure that the swap lands are equal in size and value (Muasher and Djere jian). The question of Jerusalem should be postponed until the final stages of the process as it is controversial and complex (Ibrahim). This issue is highly sensitive and the Obama administration should approach it with caution to ensure successful completion of the process. The second issue affecting the peace keeping process is security. There has been constant fighting between the two sides and this has led to loss of lives, destruction of property and poor rates of economic growth and development (PEW Research). First, it is of great importance to promote Palestineââ¬â¢s internal security abilities. It is imperative to ascertain that a state authority is in power rather than militia groups. Again, Israel should get assurance on their security concerns. Security is the major concern between the two sides and the Obama administration should employ peaceful means to restore peace and calm in the region. The third issue facing the process is economic development. It is important to note that ensuring economic stability of Palestine will be a basis of a finding a peaceful solution to the ancient feud between the two sides. The fourth issue facing the process is that relating to prisoners and refugees. There are numerous refuges particularly living in hazardous conditions. This has created attention world over and amongst humanitarian bodies. It is therefore important to relocate them to safe locations to enhance smooth running of the process. Prisoners are a key issue on the Palestinian side. Releasing prisoners would be a huge step in aiding the peace process. In a nutshell, the core issues are to establish security in Israel and sovereignty in Palestine (Cohen, John and Yellin). The US is coming up with measures to ensure economic stability in the region. In a recent delegation by the Secretary of State Kerry, it was revealed that the US was working with core companies such as Coca- Cola, GE and Cisco to invest in Palestine as a move to boost economic gro wth and development (Ibrahim). Additionally, the 1994 Paris Protocol should be renegotiated to draw the line between relations of the two independent states (Muasher and Djerejian). This is by agreeing to common approaches of sharing of resources and facilitating a tax and customs system that can be managed efficiently by West Bank. Concerning the security problem in Israel, Obama sent the Supreme Commander of the NATO forces, General John Allen to discuss
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Privileges of a Senior Citizen Essay Example for Free
Privileges of a Senior Citizen Essay We all know that a senior citizen is an old version in our generation. They are the person above 60. Since they are old and their body are weak, itââ¬â¢s hard for them to eat , exercise , to work and of course to SURVIVE. The old ladies or old men out there are sometimes abandoned by their family. Some leave their houses because they feel that they are not a part of that family. Some are treated not right and some are lost. We can see many of them outside our schools or on the market begging, most are in the garbage place. Senior citizens contribute a lot in the past time in our country, there are some who fought for our country but still not recognized. Here in the Philippines, Our government made some rights for our citizens. Since some of the senior citizen has a difficult time to work, our government decided that all senior citizens must be an exception to an all tax payment. For short he/she is a minimum wage earner. They are also free from all government medical and dental services. They also have a free vaccine supported by the government, educational assistance shall be granted to pursue to; post secondary , post tertiary , as well as vocational and technical education in both public and private schools through provisions of scholarship , grants and financial aids . Our government also issued about granting our senior citizens special discounts on special programs. Example is on purchase of basic necessities and prime commodities. For another positive part, Senior citizens they have an express lane privileges in all public store , private banking , commercials or government establishments. For the retirees , they are granted the continuance of the same benefits and privileges by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), social security system (SSS) and PAG IBIG. Retirement benefits of senior citizens on both public and private sector shall be reviewed every year to ensure their responsiveness and sustainability. We can say that senior citizens have an easy life with all of this privileges, But material things are not the only thing a human needs. Old people also need love from their family and others so that they will not feel theyââ¬â¢re alone in this world. We shall give back the love and care this people has given to us when they are in their younger years.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Central Australian Food and Clothing Essay -- Culture Australia Essays
Central Australian Food and Clothing Weather and climate are immensely influential forces in every society, and central Australia demonstrates this nicely. Throughout history, the influence of weather has been evident. The aborigines, European settlers and modern Australians all had or have to negotiate the impacts of weather in their daily lives. The respective cultures of the aborigines and the Europeans are products of weather and worked together to create modern society in Australia. The modern culture has been produced by a combination of cultural and climatic forces and has changed over time as the different groups within it influenced each other. The cultural aspects that I will focus on in this paper are food and clothing. Both have been carefully shaped by cultural and climatic aspects over time, and demonstrate how the aborigines and European settlers influenced each other. In Australia the food commonly eaten today is a mixture of indigenous Australian food, food that was brought there by settlers in the 1800s, and food brought over by immigrants from Germany, Italy, Greece, Lebanon, Israel, and Southeast Asia (Avameg 2007). Before British colonization, the Aborigines mostly ate meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and roots. Grubs, lizards, snakes and moths were an important part of their diets as well. The name for this category of food that is indigenous to Australia is ââ¬Å"bush tuckerâ⬠or bush food (Australian Government Culture and Recreation Portal 2007). Bush tucker is determined by weather and climate. The climate in a certain area dictates what can grow and live there. The aborigines eat whatever bush food is readily available in the area that they inhabit. An important staple for central Australian aborigines...>. Lister, P.R., P. Holford, T. Haigh, and D.A. Morrison. 1996. Acacia in Australia: Ethnobotany and potential food crop. p. 228-236. In: J. Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops. ASHS Press, Alexandria, VA. November 25, 2007. . Martinez, Julia. ââ¬Å"When wages were clothes: dressing down Aboriginal workers in the Northern Territory.â⬠University of Wollongong and Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. 2005. November 27, 2007. . ââ¬Å"Modern Australian fashion textiles.â⬠October 12, 2007. Australian Government Culture and Recreation Portal. November 25, 2007. .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Harry Lavender Essay Essay
The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender undermines many of the stereotypes within the genre of crime ? c? on. Marlene Daysââ¬â¢ prominent themes are introduced in the extract. Power is characterised par? cularly through the antagonist, Sydney underworld ? gure Harry Lavender. Day also portrays the idea of decep? on and facade through her rendering of the duality of the city of Sydney and the characters within it. Daysââ¬â¢ se%ng of the late 1980s conveys an era where new technology is seen and an ominent threat and a useful tool. These themes are represented in the extract and a novel as a whole. Claudia valen? ne is represented as a powerful individual within the ? rst few pages of the novel. Day establishes her independence and control as a woman with the quote ââ¬Å"no one gets into my room, let alone my bed, without one. â⬠It evokes a sense power and control and challenges the expecta? ons of women, as women are seen weaker in the world. Day also expresses the idea of power exceedingly through the antagonist Harry Lavender. Giving his status in the underworld of Sydney, Lavender is considered a man of power. ââ¬Å"I am a famous legend in my ? meâ⬠The use of ? rst person narra? on gives the audience a sense of personal connec? on with the inner feelings of Lavender, as well as showing what Lavender sees towards himself. Decep? on is an integral element conveyed in The Life and crimes of Harry Lavender. The idea of decep? on and facades is par? cularly shown though both protagonist and antagonist, as well as Sydneyââ¬â¢s duality of light and dark.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Effects of Computer Games
Statement of the Problem This statement will seek answer on the following programs: 1. What is the profile of the Criminology students in terms of: a. Age b. Gender c. Year level 2. What are the Effects of Computer Games in terms of: a. Lack of Socialization b. Personality Changes c. Hyperactive Learning Disorders 3. What are the Level of Performance of Criminology Students in terms of: a. Classroom Interaction b. Psychological/Emotional Awareness c. Problem Solving and Written Exams 4.Are there significant relationships between Effects of Computer Games and the Level of Performance of Criminology Students? Theoretical Theory Social Responsibility Theory Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a big responsibility to society at large. This responsibility can be ââ¬Å"negativeâ⬠, meaning there is exemption from blame or liability, or it can be ââ¬Å"positiveâ⬠, meaning there is a responsibility to act beneficently.This theory is a good basis of the study because students not only spending excessive time playing computer games but they need to consider also their responsibility as a students and their satisfaction with their co-students living in the real world. Critical Theory Critical Theory has a narrow and a broad meaning in philosophy and in the history of the social sciences. ââ¬Å"Critical Theoryâ⬠in the narrow sense designates several generations of German philosophers and social theorists in the Western European Marxist tradition known as the Frankfurt School.According to these theorists, a ââ¬Å"criticalâ⬠theory may be distinguished from a ââ¬Å"traditionalâ⬠theory according to a specific practical purpose: a theory is critical to the extent that it seeks human emancipation, ââ¬Å"to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave themâ⬠(Horkheimer 1982, 244). Because such theories aim to explain and transform all the circumstances that enslave human beings, many ââ¬Å"critical theoriesâ⬠in the broader sense have been developed.They have emerged in connection with the many social movements that identify varied dimensions of the domination of human beings in modern societies. In both the broad and the narrow senses, however, a critical theory provides the descriptive and normative bases for social inquiry aimed at decreasing domination and increasing freedom in all their forms. Based on the concept of the research, this theory can relate to the study through applying a critical analysis to know the effects of computer games in the criminology students of MinSCAT Bongabong Campus. Conceptual Framework Fig. 1:Statement of the Hypothesis The Effects of Computer Games has no significant relationship to its level of performance of criminology students in social interaction, psychological behavior, and problem solving. Significance of the Study To the Students, this study aims t o provide information with regards to the effects of computer gaming. To the Professor, for them to have deeper understanding of the effects of computer gaming. To the Readers, awareness of the effects of computer gaming. And also the future researcher who will do research on the related topic will have a background on this study.Scope and Limitations This is limited to the students of MINSCAT in Bongabong. This paper was conducted during the year 2012 and the informationââ¬â¢s gathered were limited to Bongabong Oriental Mindoro. This study focuses on the Effects of Computer Games including Lack of socialization, Personality Changes, and Hyperactive of Learningââ¬â¢s disorder that will be measured to its level of performance of criminology students through social interaction, psychological behavior, and problem solving. Chapter II The Review of Related Literature and StudiesThis chapter reviews the work of research workers on problems closely related to the present study. Fore ign Literature Lepper, M. R. & Gurtner, J (2000), states that prolonged and excessive use of these games can cause, mainly upon children, a number of physical and psychological problems which may include obsessive, addictive behavior, dehumanization of the player, desensitizing of feelings, personality changes, hyperactivity learning disorders, premature maturing of children, psychomotor disorders, health problems (due to lack of exercise & tendonitis), Development of anti-social behavior and loss of free thinking & will.Anderson and Bushman (2001), found that across 54 independent tests of the relation between video game violence and aggression, involving 4262 participants, there appear to be five consistent results of playing games with violent contents. Playing violent games increase aggressive behaviorsââ¬â¢, increases aggressive cognitions, increases aggressive emotions, increases physiological arousal, and decreases pro-social behaviours. Since most electronic games are vio lent, children below legal ages are emotionally disturbed and caused several changes on their behavior.Austin, Pinkleton & Fujioka (2000), quoted that ââ¬Å"parental meditation is correlated with better academic performance. And has been shown to increase beliefs in social norms, and to decrease fear. â⬠This refers to the parental consent of the player astheyplayaviolent-orientedgame. Gentile & Walsh (2002), wherein 55% of parents said that ââ¬Å"alwaysâ⬠or ââ¬Å"oftenâ⬠should parents put limits on the amount of the time their children may play computer and video games, and 40% said they ââ¬Å"alwaysâ⬠or ââ¬Å"oftenâ⬠check the video game rating before allowing their children to buy or rent computer or video games.Even through these numbers are not particularly high, they may overestimate the amount of parental monitoring of childrenââ¬â¢s video game play. Foreign Study From the time computer games made their way into family homes, parents have w ondered if violent video games may negatively affect children and teenagers. Today, parents still worry about the effects of violent computer games and of course it also remains a popular topic for the media.However, with a growing number of children and teens spending excessive time playing computer games, perhaps parents should be more worried about teenagers addicted to computer games than the effects of violentvideogames. An examination of the literature reveals that those who study video game addiction sometimes disagree on the proportion of children and teenagers addicted to computer games. However, the majority of studies suggest that approximately 5 to 10% of youth who play computer games become addicted.Compared to other psychological difficulties (such as depression and anxiety), teenage computer game addiction is obviously a relatively new problem faced by families. As such, parents may lack accurate and/or helpful information on the signs of computer game addiction, the risk factors for video game addiction, and strategies for helping teenagers addicted to computer games after the problem develops. As more therapists work with teenagers addicted to computer ames and more researchers study the problem, they are becoming better at detecting the signs of addiction, testing for video game addiction, and offering help to parents with teenagers addicted to computer games. Still, there is much confusion about exactly what computer game addiction is and how parents can help a teenager who seems far more interested in playing in a virtual world than living in the real world. Local Literature According to Josh Kearney, Online game addiction is caused by the constant updates and the never ending game play; this is solved by limiting online game downloads to one at a time.The problem with online game addiction is that it is distracting children and young adults from their needs. Online gaming distracts people from food, sleep, and schoolwork. Although certain people are able to control themselves, there are people who canââ¬â¢t. These people will play for hours on end, numbing them mind to the point where they can only think about game play. The cause of this is the fact that a person go on playing forever. To add onto this there are constant updates that once the hype a one dies down; a new one is introduced to build anticipation.Joshua Smyth, associate professor of psychology in The College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, recently conducted a randomized trial study of college students contrasting the effects of playing online socially interconnected video games with more traditional single-player or arcade-style games. Smythââ¬â¢s research found that online, socially integrated multiplayer games create greater negative consequences (decreased health, well-being, sleep, socialization and academic work). This proves my point that although these games can be fun, they can also be very dangerous.There, although, is a sol ution to this. As to most problems there is a solution. The solution to this problem is to limit the amount of games one person can place on a computer. This would be done simply by analyzing the key components of an online MMORPG. By doing this you can train computers to detect these qualities. After doing so, it would be possible to make the computer limit how many of these games are downloaded. There are also certain problems with this. http://www. papercamp. com Local StudiesBased on the previous research, the computer has also disadvantages aside from the fact that it provides the students informationââ¬â¢s and other features. In that research they conclude many students spent more time playing rather than researching and doing other academic works. This is result to computer addiction. From these students, huge percentage of them is male. This shows that male students are more prone to be affected by computer disadvantages. The research goal is to inform the students about what computer can really do to them, how can it affects them and what it is that affects them.The researchers proved that the research made is really true and precise because they are also once addicted in using these so called computers (Justin Vista, Hienson Tan and Bryan Yaranon, 2009). Based on the related literature and studies stated in this research, all are significant because it serves as guidelines; gain more knowledge and additional information on how to distinguish the effects of computer games in the performance of criminology students of MINSCAT in Bongabong. Chapter III Research Methodology This chapter presents the research methodology that will be used and guide by the researcher to utilize in conducting this study.To find out the Level of performance of criminology students. Research Design The researcher will use correlation method of research to determine the difference between the perceptions of the respondents and the relation of the variables. Descriptive corr elation Method of Research is the process of descriptive research that goes beyond more gathering and tabulation of data. It involves an element of interpretation of the meaning of the significant relationship described. Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study are the students of criminology students of MINSCAT in Bongabong.MINSCAT have total population of criminology students of 205. Sample respondents will be computed on the Slovinââ¬â¢s Formula. (See Appendix __ for the List of Respondents) Formula: N= __N__ 1+Ne2 Where: n= Sample size N= Population size e= Percentage Research Instrument The study will use questionnaire by the researcher in gathering data and employed methods like interview, browsing in the internet and collecting data and information in the books and newspaper. Data Gathering Tools A set of procedures guided the researchers in gathering all pertinent data that will be needed in this research.First, a letter of request noted by the research advis er was sent to the Deanââ¬â¢s Office of MiNSCAT in Bongabong namely Edna G. Piol for permission to distribute the questionnaire. Second, the formal administrative of the questionnaires comprised all the directions in answering the questionnaire will be properly explained. Finally, the data will be sorted, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using the most applicable technique in research. Scaling and Quantification A five point numerical with five (5) as the highest and one (1) as the lowest was used.Each numerical scale had the corresponding statistical limits and verbal description presented in table 2 below. Table 2 Scaling and Quantification Numerical Scale Statistical Limits Verbal Description 5 4. 50-5. 00 Everyday 4 3. 50-4. 49 Always 3 2. 50-3. 49 Often 2 1. 50-2. 49 Sometimes 1 1. 00-1. 49 Not at all Table 3 Reliability of Questionnaire To assure that all item are reliable, a test and re-test method will be use by researchers. TEST AND RETEST RESULT INDEPENDENT VARIABLES RELIABILITYDESCRIPTION Lack of Socialization0. 8454170Reliable Personal Changes0. 9827526ReliableHyperactivity learning Disorder0. 8460318Reliable DEPENDENT VARIABLES Social Interaction0. 7231594Reliable Psychological / emotional awareness0. 6673800Reliable Problem Solving/ written exams0. 6676692Reliable Level of Significance=5%df=8Critical r-value=0. 632 The computed r-values exceed the critical r-value 0. 632 with 8 as the degree of freedom at 5% level of significance, therefore the questionnaire is reliable. Ten respondents for post-test and another ten respondents for pre-test other than 25 respondents were requested to answer the same set of questionnaire.Responses were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using the Pearsonââ¬â¢s Movement Correlation. CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This Chapter presents the results of the research along with analysis, interpretation based on the statement of the problem. Table 4 Mean Perception of the respondent s on the Effect of Computer Gaming in terms of Lack of Socialization PRODUCTSMEANRANKVerbal Description 1. I cannot socialize with other students. 3. 724OFTEN 2. I donââ¬â¢t have interest with other people. 3. 842OFTEN 3. I cannot established good relationship with my classmate. . 803OFTEN 4. I am not open with my parentââ¬â¢s parental guidance. 4. 24 1OFTEN MEAN3. 90OFTEN Table à ¬Ã ¬4: Shows the overall mean perception of the respondents to the effects of computer gaming in terms of Lack of Socialization. This table shows items 1-5 with the verbal description of often as the first rank, I am not open with my parentââ¬â¢s parental guidance. Second, I donââ¬â¢t have interest with other people. Third, I cannot establish good relationship with my classmate. And lastly, I cannot socialize with other students. The overall mean calculated is 3. 90 which are described as often.This means that computer gaming really affects the relationship of the teenage to the people surrou nds them particularly to their parents that may lead to lack of parental guidance. Table 5 Mean Perception of the respondents on the Effect of Computer Gaming in terms of Personality Changes PRODUCTSMEANRANKVerbal Description 1. Moody3. 042SELDOM 2. Childish3. 881OFTEN 3. Health Awareness2. 84SELDOM 4. Physical Awareness2. 843SELDOM MEAN3. 14SELDOM Table à ¬Ã ¬4: Shows the overall mean perception of the respondents to the effects of computer gaming in terms of Personality changes.This table shows items 1- 4 with the verbal description of seldom as the first rank, Childish. Second, Moody. Third, Physical Awareness. And lastly, Health Awareness. The overall mean calculated is 3. 14 which are described as seldom. This means that computer gaming affects the respondents in terms of physical, mental and emotional such as changes in mood and lack of awareness. Table 6 Mean Perception of the respondents on the Effect of Computer Gaming in terms of Hyperactivity Learning Disorder PRODUCTSM EANRANKVerbal Description 1. Addictive in computer games. . 361OFTEN 2. Obsessive in computer games. 2. 924SELDOM 3. Lack of thinking. 4. 082OFTEN 4. Lack of learning. 3. 883OFTEN MEAN3. 81OFTEN Table à ¬Ã ¬4: Shows the overall mean perception of the respondents to the effects of computer gaming in terms of Hyperactivity Learning Disorder. This table shows items 1- 4 with the verbal description of seldom and often as the first rank, Addictive in computer games. Second, Lack of thinking. Third, Lack of learning. And lastly, Obsessive in computer games. The overall mean calculated is 3. 81 which are described as Often.This means that computer gaming affects the behavior of the respondents, like addictive and also they tend to have a lack of continuous learningââ¬â¢s. Table 7 Mean Perception of the respondents on the Level of Performance of criminology students in terms of social interaction. PRODUCTSMEANRANKVerbal Description 1. I did not attend school gathering. 3. 873OFTEN 2. I am not active in school activity. 2. 694SELDOM 3. I cannot communicate professionally with my professor and classmates. 4. 451OFTEN 4. I am not approachable with my co-students. 3. 882OFTEN MEAN3. 72OFTENTable à ¬Ã ¬4: Shows the overall mean perception of the respondents to the effects of computer gaming in terms of Social Interaction. This table shows items 1- 4 with the verbal description of seldom and often as the first rank, I cannot communicate professionally with my professor and classmates. Second, I am not approachable with my co-students. Third, I did not attend school gathering. And lastly, I am not active in school activity. The overall mean calculated is 3. 72 which are described as Often. This means that the level of performance of the criminology student of MBC has a very non-satisfactorily performance in Social Interaction.Table 8 Mean Perception of the respondents on the Level of Performance of criminology students in terms of Psychological/ Emotional Awareness. P RODUCTSMEANRANKVerbal Description 1. I am not aware of the happiness around me. 2. 134RARELY 2. I donââ¬â¢t have interests on my study. 4. 321OFTEN 3. I neglect myself especially my hygiene. 3. 922OFTEN 4. I did not focus on my academic activities3. 683OFTEN MEAN3. 51OFTEN Table à ¬Ã ¬4: Shows the overall mean perception of the respondents to the effects of computer gaming in terms of Psychological/ Emotional Awareness.This table shows items 1- 4 with the verbal description of rarely and often as the first rank, I donââ¬â¢t have interests on my study. Second, I neglect myself especially my hygiene. Third, I did not focus on my academic activities. And lastly, I am not aware of the happiness around me. The overall mean calculated is 3. 51 which are described as Often. This means that the level of performance of the criminology student of MBC has a very non-satisfactorily performance in Psychological/ Emotional Awareness. Table 9 Mean Perception of the respondents on the Level of Performance of criminology students in terms of Problem Solving/ Written Exams.PRODUCTSMEANRANKVerbal Description 1. I cannot solve academic problem easily. 3. 162RARELY 2. I cannot do multitasking activity. 2. 924OFTEN 3. I cannot handle situation properly. 3. 083SELDOM 4. I am not quick in solving and I am inefficient. 3. 241SELDOM MEAN3. 10SELDOM Table à ¬Ã ¬4: Shows the overall mean perception of the respondents to the effects of computer gaming in terms of PROBLEM Solving/ Written Exams. This table shows items 1- 4 with the verbal description of rarely, seldom and often as the first rank, I am not quick in solving and I am unefficient.Second, I cannot solve academic problem easily. Third, I cannot handle situation properly. And lastly, I cannot do multitasking activity. The overall mean calculated is 3. 10 which are described as Seldom. This means that the level of performance of the criminology student of MBC has a non-satisfactorily performance in their academic. Summar y Table of r and r2 the Effects of Computer Gaming in the Criminology Students of MBC IV Effects of Computer GamingDV Level of Performance of Criminology Students of MBC Social InteractionPsychological/ Emotional AwarenessProblem Solving/ Written Exams rrrLack of Socialization. 03-. 96. 87 Personality Changes. 32. 38. 87 Hyperactivity Learning Disorder. 52-. 84. 77 Critical r-value= . 195df=25significant level of 5% This table presents the r-values of the effects of computer gaming in the students of MBC through level of performance. Since the majority of computed r-value exceeded the critical r-value of . 195 with 25 degree of freedom at 5% level of significance, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected which means that there is a significant relationship between the effects of computer gaming and the level of performance of criminology of MBC.It reveals that all the dependent and independent variables are significantly correlated with each other. Through calculations performed, t he researchers arrived at the ff. interpretations: The researchers interpreted that Lack of Socialization towards Social interaction has a very small positive correlation; high negative correlation towards Psychological/ Emotional Awareness; and very high positive correlation.In terms of Personality Changes, it has a very small positive correlation towards social interaction; moderately small positive correlation towards Psychological/ Emotional Awareness; and very high positive correlation towards problem solving/ written exams. In terms of Hyperactivity Learning Disorder, it has high positive correlation towards Social Interaction; high negative correlation towards Psychological/ Emotional Awareness; and high positive correlation towards Problem Solving/ Written Exams.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Besetting Sin
A Besetting Sin A Besetting Sin A Besetting Sin By Maeve Maddox A reader asks for a definition of besetting sin. What â⬠¦ is a besetting sin? Are there different types of sin, or is sin an inclusive? What is sin anyway? Does it have anything to do with missing the bulls eye? Theologically speaking, sin is a transgression of divine law and an offense against God. For the nonbeliever, sin can be a violation of a moral principle, or merely a violation of some standard of taste or propriety. Hester and Dimmesdale committed a sin that did not intentionally hurt anyone but their own souls, Nicolas Sarkozy has committed the sin of voluntarism THE 1913 Natives Land Act is considered by many people to be SAs original political sin The verb of which besetting is the participle form means to surround with hostile intent; to set upon, attack, assault on all sides. For example, The fox was beset by hounds. St. Anthony was beset by demons. Believers are beset with sin. In the expression besetting sin, however, the word besetting seems to mean chief or principal. Judging from usage, a besetting sin is one to which a particular individual is particularly susceptible. A besetting sin is one to which on account of our constitution, or circumstance or both, we are peculiarly exposed, and into which we most easily and most frequently fall. In the life of every individual, there is a besetting sin that can tower like a mountain between the individual and God. Pastor John has a good word for those who battle the besetting sin of worry. Prodigality is nearly as much the besetting sin of youth as avarice is the besetting sin of age; Evelyn Waugh observed: Prince of Darkness is a magnificent study of sloth- a sin which has not attracted much attention of late and which, perhaps, is the besetting sin of the age. Tolerating intolerance is still this countrys besetting sin The expression besetting sin derives from a verse in the New Testament: Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before usâ⬠¦ Hebrews 12:1 KJV Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Cannot or Can Not?7 Proofreading Steps
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
University of Arkansas at Monticello Admissions
University of Arkansas at Monticello Admissions University of Arkansas at Monticello Admissions Overview: The University of Arkansas at Monticello has open admissions, meaning that all interested students have the chance to study there if they meet minimum application standards. Those interested in attending will need to submit an application, high school transcripts, and scores from the SAT or ACT. Admissions Data (2016): University of Arkansas at Monticello Acceptance Rate: -University of Arkansas at Monticello has open admissionsTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -Whats a good SAT score?Compare SAT scores for Arkansas collegesACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -Whats a good ACT score?Compare ACT scores for Arkansas colleges University of Arkansas at Monticello Description: Founded in 1909, the University of Arkansas at Monticello is a public, four-year institution located in Monticello, Arkansas. Little Rock is about 90 miles to the north. The school has small branch campuses at Crossett and McGehee. The university offers a wide range of academic programs at the associate, bachelors, and masters degree levels, as well as about 30 professional certifications. Academics are supported by a 17 / 1 student / faculty ratio, and the school takes pride in the personal attention students receive. The schools attractive campus includes a pond, farm land, and woods. In fact, UAM has achieved Tree Campus USA status every year since 2010, and the university is proud of the main campuss 1,433 trees representing 80 different species. UAM has the only School of Forestry in Arkansas, and over a thousand acres of the schools 1,600-acre campus are forest land used for research and instruction. Athletics are popular at UAM. Intramural sports include racquetball, bowling, billiards, wallyball, volleyball, and dodgeball. On the intercollegiate front, the UAM Weevils compete in the NCAA Division IIÃ Great American Conference. Enrollment (2015): Total Enrollment: 3,643Ã (3,428 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 43% Male / 57% Female62% Full-time Costs (2016Ã - 17): Tuition and Fees: $7,210Ã (in-state); $13,060 (out-of-state)Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $6,338Other Expenses: $3,600Total Cost: $18,348Ã (in-state); $24,198 (out-of-state) University of Arkansas at Monticello Financial Aid (2015Ã - 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 97%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 95%Loans: 60%Average Amount of AidGrants: $7,649Loans: $5,168 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:Ã Agriculture, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, General Studies,Ã Health and Physical Education,Ã P-4 Early Childhood Education Transfer, Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 52%Transfer Out Rate: 20%4-Year Graduation Rate: 12%6-Year Graduation Rate: 18% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:Ã Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track and Field, Golf, Cross CountryWomens Sports:Ã Basketball, Golf, Softball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like University of Arkansas at Monticello, You May Also Like These Schools: Arkansas Tech UniversityHenderson State UniversityUniversity of Arkansas at Little RockUniversity of Central Arkansas (UCA)University of Arkansas at Fort SmithUniversity of Arkansas at FayettevilleHarding UniversityLyon CollegeHendrix CollegeGrambling State University
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis of Gun Control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analysis of Gun Control - Research Paper Example In order to propose the best policy for the USA, it is important to describe gun control measures and social attitude towards guns in the UK. By far the most common reasons for gun ownership are hunting and related recreational uses, a fact consistent with the prevalence of long guns over handguns. Self-protection is the second most frequently cited reason (mentioned about a third as often as hunting/recreation), and it is the main reason cited for handgun purchases. In public policy terms, legitimate hunting purposes are not questioned, aside from issues related to safety (Squires, 2008). The self-protection issue, however, poses a different problem. Those who acquire or own guns for self-protection are reacting to the perceived and real threats of modern American life. One study of those who own guns for self-protection found key explanations in feelings of vulnerability to crime and police ineffectiveness. In addition, men are more likely to purchase guns for security, as are thos e who have been victimized by crime or who believe the risk of crime is increasing (Kelly, 2004). One other consideration in this already complex equation is the theft of legally owned guns. Gun control opponents are quick to point out that stricter gun laws would result in less gun availability for law-abiding citizens but that criminals would continue to get guns anyway since most obtain them by illegal means, to begin with. The problem with this logic (leaving aside for the moment the self-defense side of the equation) is that it begs the question of where the guns used by criminals come from. Most stolen guns and guns used to commit crimes begin as weapons produced and sold legally (Ludwig and Cook 2003).In an effort to find a more effective political approach, the state agencies in the UK has launched a new political assault by accusing gun control supporters of being soft on crime, urging the construction of more prisons and tougher sentencing, and avoiding any direct claims about gun control (Squires, 2008). The initial and most important fact about public opinion on gun control has been its remarkable consistency in support of greater governmental control of guns. As the survey results from questions on gun registration, waiting periods, assault weapons, and even a ban on handguns make clear, the British decisive support for stronger gun control is not the product of misunderstanding or a failure to comprehend what the gun debate is all about. Americans may not possess the knowledge of the gun specialist, but the policy options under public discussion are straightforward and clear, as are public preferences (Kelly, 2004).
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Social Construction of Sexuality and Gender Article
The Social Construction of Sexuality and Gender - Article Example The categorization of men and women into two binary groups is a universal phenomenon which in many societies favors men thus creating power imbalances and gender inequalities. In Britain as well as throughout much of the world, notions of sexuality and gender have historically been for granted and perceived to be natural. According to Jeffrey Weeks, We learned very early on from many sources that "natural sex" is what takes place with members of the opposite sex...The social processes through which this is taking place are complex. But the implications are clear, they're the ones we still live with. In the first place, there is the assumption of a sharp distinction between the sexes, a dichotomy of interest, even an antagonism ('the battle of the sexes', which can only be precariously bridged. Men are men and women - and rarely the twain shall meet (Weeks, 1990, 13). Accordingly, while the sex of an individual is innate and established at birth, gender and human sexuality are now understood to be shaped by social forces and socially constructed concepts with important societal ramifications. Social constructivism is the belief that certain ideas, beliefs, behaviors, and concepts are socially constructed and shaped by environmental factors. The argument that gender roles were socially prescribed did not appear in scholarly literature until the 1940s with Kleinââ¬â¢s The Feminine Character and thus began an exploration into the arbitrariness of the social categories of male and female. Influential scholars such as Judith Butler, Jeffrey Weeks, and Michel Foucault have sought to shed light onto the socially prescribed nature of gender categorization, and onto the lives men and women throughout the world with an eye to the in the ramifications of the sexual and gender binary.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How can social media be used as a powerfful marketing tool in a small Research Paper
How can social media be used as a powerfful marketing tool in a small business (Using case study) - Research Paper Example rough interview with the owner of the business as well as looking into the financial figures derived from their sales and comparing them from the time she used traditional word-of-mouth marketing to the time she already used Facebook as a marketing medium. The findings prove that since posting pictures of her childrenââ¬â¢s clothes in her Facebook page and setting up one for TCC, the businessââ¬â¢ sales has grown by 150% in just nine months. The profit increase is evidence that Facebook is an effective marketing medium for a small business. The internet has evolved to be a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Being known as the information highway without leaving oneââ¬â¢s home, it provides users with a vast range of sources of information that allow them to find answers to any question in one click. Even businesses have boomed with the utilization of online advertisements. Currently, social media has likewise hopped on the marketing bandwagon, offering their sites as platforms for selling products and services in a myriad of ways. Research Objective: This paper will show how small businesses can maximize social media to make their business grow. It will focus on a small dress shop in London started by a young woman who worked from home and decided to sell the dresses she made for children online using her Facebook account. The shopââ¬â¢s name is Twinklestars1. Marketing goods and services online has been ongoing for many years now. Berthon et al. (1996) explain that potential customers begin with their search for a preferred product when they surf the internet. Businesses which have established their website presence are more likely to attract customers as long as they keep their sites dynamic, with their advertising designs and texts consistently updated so they sustain the interest of their customers (Durkin & Lawlor, 2001). Apart from the use of computers, mobile devices have stepped up to include features that access the internet, widening
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Subject Of Human Rights And Globalisation Politics Essay
The Subject Of Human Rights And Globalisation Politics Essay The subject on human right and globalization are not easy topics to discuss, mainly because of different connotation and understanding of the terms globalization and human rights. Some scholars defined Globalization, as conceived process that turns the world into a global market for goods and services dominated and steered by the powerful gigantic transnational corporations and governed by the rule of profità [1]à . In which scholars argue that all the human rights of the people in the world, particularly in the south mostly developing countries are critically endangered in this context scholars view globalization as posing new treats not adequately governed by existing international human rightsà [2]à . On other hand, globalization is seen as turning the whole world into one global village in which all peoples are increasingly unified and all the fences or barriers are detached, so that the world witnesses a new state of fast and free flow of people, capital, goods and ideas . In this context globalization is bringing prosperity to all the corners of the globe, and spreading human right and freedom as well as justice, human rights and globalization are then viewed as two topics mutually reinforcing and positive in improving human well-being.à [3]à The topic of Human right and Globalization are subject of discussion among scholars and policy makers in the world today, where there are clear pictures on how Globalization has positively contributed to the universality of human rights and created more potential for its promotion across the world, some scholars disagree with this assumption and argue that, to some instance globalization put human rights in danger. This paper examines the impacts of globalization and it achievement of human rights with focus it will explore the interaction linking the state and none states with the market to evaluate the effects of globalization on the accomplishment of human rights standards in the world. Working with the definition cited by Allan (2009), that sees Globalization as process that turns the whole world into one global village in which all peoples are increasingly interconnected and all the fences or barriers are removed, so that the world witnesses a new state of fast and free flow of people, capital, goods and ideas. One will say that globalization has positively contributed to human rights, as these processes allows non governmental actors to be involved with transnational social movement networks, increasing consciousness and information politics that have potential to address both traditional and emerging forms of human rights violation. Understanding this global village phenomenon allows scholars to look deeply on transnational integration and increased mobility has simultaneously strengthened the protection of individual rights and the dignity of individuals. At its core globalization is the interrelationships, interconnection, and interdependence of all the countr ies of the world. It is the spread of capitalism across the globe bringing with it both opportunities of business and a flow of capita. However, it is more than just free trade; the forces that allow businesses to operate beyond national borders allow activists, journalists, and scholars to work on a global scale. in this context, Globalization resulted in a significant loss of control and sovereignty for the stateà [4]à , its argued by Apodaca (2001) that states no longer hold a control over the allocation of public goods and servicesà [5]à , information is gained by everybody either through internet or international media, people get access to foreign information and this is believed to have contributed positively to spread of human right around the globeà [6]à . While some nation states still restricts it citizens to access international news, like the case of china, scholars still argue that Globalizations has weakened government power to control people movements. In other word globalization has also lead to a noticeable empowerment of actors such as transnational corporations, civil society groups and intergovernmental economic organizations, and lead to a rapid development of human rights.à [7]à In short; due to improved technology, less government interferences, and free movement of people and goods, globalization increased media coverage draws the attention of the world to human right violations, which leads to improvement in human rights. As argued by Marquardt that globalization offers great opportunities to generate more universal observance of human rights, but it also poses serious dangers to the fundamental rights of the individualà [8]à . Moreover, globalization is essentially a synonym for global business and is personified by three organizations: the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). These organizations are at the center of a great debate over the virtues and evils of globalization. There are many convincing arguments both against and in favor of globalization. For positive side, scholars argue that globalization of capital contributes positively to the universality of human rights as it permits a flow of capital to the most productive and resourceful business projects. This trend is believed to boost profits, which make the economy grow, which mostly results in constructive social goals, such as higher employment levels that improves living standards, education become affordable, lower taxes, and larger capital expenses on people, in areas such as health care which play very significant role in improving human conditons. Globalization of capital in addition i s believed to have remarkably developed and increased attention to womens rights and incorporation of womens human rights into the human rights discourse (Moghadam 2005). It has also created economical opportunities for women. Though, many of these opportunities are formed in sweatshops and low payment jobs. Nevertheless, they increase women participation in the economy, even if it is largely in the informal sector the potential demand of empowering women is increasing (Mae, Bayes et al. 2000). Furthermore, supporters of globalization argue that, while the state is the agent charged with the protection and promotion of human rights, it is also traditionally the primary violator of those rights.à [9]à Kind models of globalization recommend that the liberalization of markets reinforces human rights by encouraging growth and plunging the authority of the state. Without a doubt, a number of studies on human rights, defined as physical integrity rights, do indicate a connection between economic development, conventionally calculated by GDP, and the higher attainment of human rights. The right to personal integrity is essential in that, the exclusive of these rights, no human can survive without being in panic for his or her life and well-being. Scholars have revealed that there is an elevated level of individual integrity infringements in underdeveloped countries. The free market or liberal economic policies, it is believed, that it will not only promote development in poor countries but in addition it will uphold civil liberties and democracy. It was argued by Moore as cited by Apodaca (2001) that,economic liberalization is also thinning the power of the governments by removing capital out of the hands of the state and making it accessible for of individuals to get financial resources, these are those individual are those who search not just for legal protection but moreover greater influence in policies affecting themà [10]à . this demonstrate that globalization in this regard is privileging individuals and weakening abusive governments. Scholars have been studying the issue of multinational corporations in connection to human rights, and the result seem to be more positive than one might aspects, according to Richards and Gellenys quantitative studies, there are key points that are indentified to be positively influential to human rights specifically in Less Developed Countries (LDCs). First property rights, is argued to be influential to investors who would prefer to invest in a nation where property rights are respected and where rule of law is followed, that gives them guaranty that their property and investments will be respected. Moreover, labour policies are additional concerns that most MNCS look at before investing as argued MNCs evaluate labor and wage policies, which including as well the right of workers to organize, safety standards, social welfare policies and wage rateà [11]à . Reputation is an additional point that is believed to bsse influential for investors, Richards and Gelleny argue that comp anies may seek to improve their reputation by associating their product with improving human rights. Otherwise they may run the risk of being exposed to an embarrassing media campaign highlighting their connections to regimes that abuses human rightsà [12]à . Additionally to their findings, Richards and Gelleny discovered that countries where government respect open political participation and open media and freedom of worship and free movement of its people MNCs appear willing to invest. There are known to be additional benefit of Globalization in connection to human rights, these including education and access to new technology, as its argue by Stiglitz that, globalization has reduced the sense of isolation felt in much of the developing world and has given many people in the developing countries access to knowledge well beyond the reach of even the wealthiest in any country a century agoà [13]à . He further argue that foreign aid, is an additional aspect of the globalized world, which has brought benefits to millions, often in ways that have almost gone unnoticed, globalization in this way provide help for educational services for those who had no information for instance in HIV/Aids prevention, its helps in other projects that were ignored by nation governments. In contrast, the benefits of globalization on human rights are not universal. As most scholars argues, Globalization has increased the gap of poverty, that makes the rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming more poorer. Those who reject the notion that Globalization contributed positively to human rights argue that: Globalization has led to exploitation of labor. Prisoners and child workers are used to work in inhumane conditions. Safety standards are ignored to produce cheap goods. These arguments are issues that one should take into consideration when debating the impact of globalization on human rights, as it provide us with evidence how inequality and poverty are measured and what the results of such measurements are. Additionally, those on the opposition to the benefit of globalization on human rights argue that the influence of the World Bank- and IMF and their structural adjustment policies that include privatization of the economy, has made Multinational Companies an d corporations which were previously restricted to commercial activities to have increasingly influence on political decisions of developing countries, this lead to governments inability to maintain social welfare in developing countries. As is argued by Dr Samir Naim-Ahmed that; Since the Universal declaration of Human rights in 1948 many countries of the world ,whether in the north or the south succeed in enhancing the implementation of human rights , particularly in the economic, social and cultural domains simply through policies of subsidizing food, housing and services such as health care , transportation ,sanitation, culture and education . Many countries, particularly in the south made considerable achievements in the field of the right to work simply by taking decisions to protect local industries from competition and thus creating job opportunities for their population.à [14]à Moreover, a scholar against globalization in relation to human rights like Alison Brysk (2002) argues that social rights and economic rights have been mostly abandoned both in terms of international recognition and policy implementation. He further argues that The recent phase of globalization enriched some but did not improve the human rights conditions for a large segment of the world population.à [15]à It was further argued by Apocade that Labor rights and social services have been denied by the upward trend of neoliberal policies. Improvements in civil and political rights have been rough, mostly symbolic, and perhaps unsustainable. Especially since the attacks of September 11, 2001,à [16]à national security and order have reemerged as values that are considered to be more important, and that can be maintained only at the expense of human freedoms. Measures taken by the United States and its allies in connection to their war on terror show the fragility of human rights th at were assumed to be well-established and secure at least in mature Western democracies. Moreover, scholars argue that due to free markets and a rapid access to goods, Terrorists have access to classy armaments increasing their ability to inflict damage. As the case of Terrorists use the Internet for communicating which create more treat to the world? Its has been disputed that, the strictness agendas imposed by financial institutions have some very unenthusiastic outcomes on the people living in developing countries, those against globalization argue that demands from global financial organization has formed perhaps the strongest form of reliance since the beginning of dependence. In order for a state to be eligible for financial support from global organizations, the government must approach its economic policies to meet the terms with the regulations and standards recognized by the main actors. Thus, states in required of credits give up their administrative power to global agencies such as the World Bank, the IMF, or the World Trade Organization (WTO)à [17]à . With Many MNCs having superior resources than many Third World states. Third World countries rely on those corporations for financial support, monetary flows, industrial transfers, and employment opportunities for their citizens. Economic globalization thus exploits the developing world: cheap labor, minimal skill transmission, restrictions on technology transfers, and no long-term commitment to stay or reinvest in a countrys economy. Consequently, foreign capital reinforces and strengthens repression in developing countries. To attract or preserve foreign investment, governments must lower business costs, thus suppressing labor demands and reducing corporate taxation rates. Moreover, Corporations are growing constantly the power of which must not be underestimated. For example, it can damage liberty with inhumane working conditions, child labor or the ruthless destruction of the environment and hence the fundamentals of life. The question as to whether and how such power is controllable raises explosive legal and economic issues.à [18]à A more negative view of developing countries integration into the global economy, often attributed to dependency or neo-Marxist theorists, holds that multinational corporation activity contributes to human rights abuses. Its argued that due to these conditions and the level of poverty in developing countries many MNCs have larger revenues than many developing countries states. Third World countries are dependent on MNCs for trade, financial flows, technological transfers, and employment opportunities for their citizens. Economic globalization thus exploits the developing world: cheap labor, minimal skill transmission, restrictions on technology transfers, and no long-term commitment to stay or reinvest in a countrys economy. Consequently, foreign capital reinforces and strengthens repression in developing countries. To attract or preserve foreign investment, governments must lower business costs, thus suppressing labor demands and reducing corporate taxation rates. It was argued by A podaca (2001) that due to weaknesses of governments, if government officials attempt to enact unfriendly policies, the result could lead to capital flight, loss of tax revenues, and massive unemployment. States may feel that they have no option but to entertain MNCs if they want to increase their economies, employment, and tax revenuesà [19]à . The discussion on globalization and human right has lead scholars to look at the issue of culture and human rights, its has well provided topic of discussion that most policy makers seem to disagree on, the issue of The Western human rights approach which primarily focuses on civil and political rights to the effective segregation of economic and social rights. These arguments are based on what Pieterse cites the conceived understanding of Globalization in sense that the world is becoming more uniform and standardized, through a technological, commercial, and cultural synchronization emanating from the west, and that globalization is tied up with modernityà [20]à . Moreover, the thrust of social and political rights believed to be a way to protect the individual from the unrestrained power of the state which seem to be different in Asiaà [21]à , as it was cited by Apodaca that political and civil rights, for Asian-values advocates, may be deferred until other, more pressing, economic rights are met. It was further argued by Apodaca that to accelerate economic development and to maintain a stable political environment, a state may have to resort to authoritarian governing practices, often suppressing labor demands and political oppositionà [22]à ; this was a scandalous exposure in a 1993 declaration, Singapores then Minister for Foreign Affairs Wong Kan Seng declared a cited by Apodaca (2002) that: Poverty makes a mockery of all civil liberties. Poverty is an obscene violation of the most fundamental of individual rights. Economic growth is the necessary foundation of any system that claims to advance human dignity, and that order and stability are essential for development.à [23]à it was argued by Wong as cited in Apodaca (2002), if political and civil human rights are an obstacle to economic progress, they would not be accepted, and an overemphasis on individual rights would retard the process of development. For many Asian leaders and policy makers, according to Apodaca economic rights are the most fundamental of rights, while political and civil rights are viewed as a luxury to be considered only once everyone is fedà [24]à . In short, those against globalization in connection to human right argue that, the results of globalization are the way many people have been poor and for many countries social and political instability and chaos. They further argue that IMF has made mistakes in all the areas it has been involved in: developments, crisis management, and in countries making the transition from communism where it was believed that human rights were not respected to capitalism. The most divisive topic in rejection of globalization and human rights is structural adjustment programs which resulted to failure of most states that were hoping to benefits from it, in contrast it created a gape between the poor and rich. As the case of education in developing countries, where more social services are restricted by the b y the IMF, health care as well are known to be been affected by the structural adjustment program. All these are known to have negative impact on human rights globally. While most scholars discuss the benefit of Globalization is sense of connection and creation of a global village, a place where people from all over the world meet and move freely, one will argue that this is just a theory but in actual sense these movements of people are restricted by developed nations, people are not as free as it sound to get American visa, or European visa. In conclusion, Markowitz argues that globalization and human rights are known as wide conditional fields that hold expressive and descriptive power and as political, juridical, economic and cultural development and institutions. Presenting promises of liberation from restraining national limits and substitute to caste, gender and a racial hierarchy, the discourse of globalization and human rights offers avenues for resisting local structures of power and asserting identity claims via supranational organizations and the stateà [25]à . While there are still resistance on how much is globalization improving human right , based on the above arguments one will still close this debate by stating that the situation of human rights has improved in general compared to previous centuries, where slavery was dominant, colonization was the leading mode and government were not democratic. For instance, due to globalization one can argue that the rights of women and children are seen to be bett er and recognized as well as safeguarded than in earlier times this might be associated as well to the need for development and the interconnection that globalization is promoting. Moreover, freedom of expression has been facilitated via internet where activists have chance to rise their voice freely (though this might not be easy in countries like china but there are seen to be improvement due to the globalized technology), freedom of religious belief is a very problematic problem due to the war on terrorism. Freedoms of movements is known to have improved in the last decades due to increasing technology, this allows human rights activist to move and get information easily that ever before. In addition, the modern means of communication helps in realization of person and people rights.
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